Psychedelic Legalization & Decriminalization Tracker

A collaboration between Psychedelic Alpha and:

Mapping Psychedelic Drug Policy Reform in the United States

As the psychedelic renaissance contributes to a swelling pool of safety and efficacy data pertaining to the potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelic medicine, many localities—particularly in North America—are revising their legal frameworks.

This is happening in a number of ways: from the least rigorous incarnation which involves making the enforcement of psychedelics’ illegality the lowest law enforcement priority in a given city (such as in Oakland and Washington, DC), right through to state-wide legalization of specific psychedelics (such as in Oregon and Colorado). This interactive map seeks to capture these reforms at the state and local level.

In 2021, we published the first psychedelic policy reform tracker with support from our friends at Calyx Law and Emerge Law GroupGiven the pace of change in this realm, in late 2024 we teamed up with the UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics (BCSP) to maintain the map.

To be sure, this map is intended to be helpful and is not definitive. We welcome your feedback, which you can share via

Tracker map key

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As with all our resources, we welcome feedback and suggestions on this psychedelic drug policy reform tracker. Please contact


This tracker is provided for informational purposes only, with no guarantees of its completeness or accuracy. It is not legal advice. Before pursuing any activities that may carry legal risks or penalties, you should consult with a lawyer in your jurisdiction.